Love me. Hate me. Either way...your thinking of me.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ok so yea im back from the fourth of july fiasco :]
Well you couldn't tecnically call it the fouth of july it was actually the third because ttodays the 4th....So well we went out and got fireworks yesterday like right before we did them so yea pretty tight squeeze......ok so when we got back we gathered up the fireworks and went to the neighbors house to light them off
First we did sparklers [my favorite!!!!!] then they started lighting off the actuall fireworks
about 1/2 way in my uncle decided to light off a bee type he lights it off and flies straight towards his head so he ducks and it swings around and heads toward the house my aunt yells "NOT MY CAR!!!" well im thinking wow theres the thing that goes wrong this year- and -its going to hit the house haha :]" So we all get up and run towards the house and its missed going in the garage by like one foot!!!!!!! [and in the garage theere were some propain tanks or something like that on the inside on teh door:] ] i was laughing so hard so yea thats the disaster for this yea hehe
[i think im deaf from all those fireworks!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

hey ppl and new followers hopefully
wellll nothing really eventfll so far but
my birthday is in 15 days im sooooo happpppyyy i might just post bulletins with a number cause im so exited!!!!
i have a b-day party on monday
andd i realllly cant wait for the 4th
firerworks babyy
and a disater
every year we have a disaster weather its settign the grass on fire or fireworks going of right over our heads or one shooting into the pond there is allways a disatster and im looking forwaard to it!!!!
so yea check in later so byeez